Ok lets create this cool effect
For those who want just the code here it is. ©️ 👨💻
const TileEffect = () => {
const tiles = Array . from ( { length : 1599 }, ( _ , index ) => (
< div
key ={ index }
className = " transition-colors border-[1px] border-gray-100/20 relative hover:odd:bg-red-400 hover:[&:nth-child(3n)]:bg-blue-300 hover:[&:nth-child(6n)]:bg-yellow-300 duration-1000 hover:duration-0 hover:bg-green-200 "
></ div >
)) ;
return (
< div
className = " overflow-hidden flex items-center bg-black justify-center aspect-video "
style ={{ perspective : " 2000px " }}
< div
style ={{
transform : " rotateX(50deg) rotateY(-5deg) rotateZ(20deg) scale(1.25) " ,
className = " absolute w-[140rem] aspect-square grid grid-rows-[repeat(40,1fr)] grid-cols-[repeat(40,1fr)] "
< div
style ={{ backgroundSize : " 5% " }}
className = " bg-[url('/plus.png')] z-10 absolute inset-0 pointer-events-none "
></ div >
< div
style ={{ backgroundSize : " 100% " }}
className = " bg-[url('/tile2.png')] z-10 absolute inset-0 pointer-events-none "
></ div >
{ tiles }
</ div >
</ div >
) ;
export default TileEffect ;
Here you have to add plus png.
Lets break the problem in 4 simple steps:
Creating tiles which be all over the screen.
Creating hover effect on tile.
Adding image of + on whole tile
Tilting according to your needs
const TileEffect = () => {
const tiles = Array . from ( { length : 1599 }, ( _ , index ) => (
< div key ={ index } className = " border-[1px] border-gray-100/20 " ></ div >
)) ;
return (
< div className = " overflow-hidden flex items-center bg-black justify-center aspect-video " >
< div className = " absolute w-[140rem] aspect-square grid grid-rows-[repeat(40,1fr)] grid-cols-[repeat(40,1fr)] " >
{ tiles }
</ div >
</ div >
) ;
export default TileEffect ;
Here we just declared a variable tile with a border and border colors
< div key ={ index } className = " border-[1px] border-gray-100/20 " ></ div >
After this we just repeat these tile all over the page
Here I have take 40*40 tile screen .You can take any of your choice
Step 1 done
Add Duration Random Colors
Now we see that I have added hover effect on tile effect.
< div
key ={ index }
className = " border-[1px] border-gray-100/20
hover:bg-red-400 "
></ div >
But somthing is off if you look in original component then you'll see that on hover color changes instantly ⚡ but when cursor leave then it takes sometime to transform colors.
So whats the solution we will add duration now . Just click on ADD DURATION button.
< div
key ={ index }
className = " border-[1px] border-gray-100/20
hover:bg-red-400 duration-1000 hover:duration-0 transition-colors "
></ div >
Now that color sustains in the tile after cursor have left.
And now the last part adding random color to the tiles.
< div
key ={ index }
className = " border-[1px] border-gray-100/20
hover:bg-green-200 hover:[&:nth-child(6n)]:bg-yellow-300
hover:odd:bg-red-400 hover:[&:nth-child(3n)]:bg-blue-300
duration-1000 hover:duration-0 transition-colors "
></ div >
Step 2 done
For adding a plus image in the background. First you need to go to canva and add a any icon of you choice in this case it is a plus icon and center it on a 100px*100px page then download it.
Then just add it to the Tiles components as bg and give a background size
const TileEffect = () => {
const tiles = Array . from ( { length : 1599 }, ( _ , index ) => (
< div
key ={ index }
className = " transition-colors border-[1px] border-gray-100/20 relative hover:odd:bg-red-400 hover:[&:nth-child(3n)]:bg-blue-300 hover:[&:nth-child(6n)]:bg-yellow-300 duration-1000 hover:duration-0 hover:bg-green-200 "
></ div >
)) ;
return (
< div
className = " overflow-hidden flex items-center bg-black justify-center aspect-video " >
< div className = " absolute w-[140rem] aspect-square grid grid-rows-[repeat(40,1fr)] grid-cols-[repeat(40,1fr)] " >
< div
style ={{ backgroundSize : " 5% " }}
className = " bg-[url('/plus.png')] z-10 absolute inset-0 pointer-events-none "
></ div >
{ tiles }
</ div >
</ div >
) ;
export default TileEffect ;
Step 3 done
Now just rotate the scene according to your taste.
const TileEffect = () => {
const tiles = Array . from ( { length : 1599 }, ( _ , index ) => (
< div
key ={ index }
className = " transition-colors border-[1px] border-gray-100/20 relative hover:odd:bg-red-400 hover:[&:nth-child(3n)]:bg-blue-300 hover:[&:nth-child(6n)]:bg-yellow-300 duration-1000 hover:duration-0 hover:bg-green-200 "
></ div >
)) ;
return (
< div
className = " overflow-hidden flex items-center bg-black justify-center aspect-video "
style ={{ perspective : " 2000px " }}
< div
style ={{
transform : " rotateX(50deg) rotateY(-5deg) rotateZ(20deg) scale(1.25) " ,
className = " absolute w-[140rem] aspect-square grid grid-rows-[repeat(40,1fr)] grid-cols-[repeat(40,1fr)] "
< div
style ={{ backgroundSize : " 5% " }}
className = " bg-[url('/plus.png')] z-10 absolute inset-0 pointer-events-none "
></ div >
< div
style ={{ backgroundSize : " 100% " }}
className = " bg-[url('/tile2.png')] z-10 absolute inset-0 pointer-events-none "
></ div >
{ tiles }
</ div >
</ div >
) ;
export default TileEffect ;
This the closest I could have get with tailwind. If you have any suggestion to improve it further feel free to reach me out at faisalhusain1320@gmail.com
Hence completed Thank you for reading 📖 .